Commercial photographers often focus their business on Product Photography.
Commercial probably is often defined as any photography for which the photographer is paid for taking and possibly Photoshop retouching of images. Other areas of expertise include: Life-style photography, food photography, architectural photography and portraiture.
Professional product photography can make an enormous improvement in many website photography. Professionals understand using correct lighting, use of background materials, camera angle, camera focus and depth of field among other technical considerations.
The term commercial photography usually refers to photography used in advertising and marketing materials. This form of photography is intended to promote or sell a service or product. The photographic images are generally shot using traditional film and developing techniques or digital cameras with images directly imported into computers for use in designs and layouts.
With the proliferation of mobile device cameras many people are unfortunately mistaken to think they can therefore take professional level photographs suitable for marketing or advertising in print or on websites. Without a full understanding of composition and lighting and commonly used ‘professional’ equipment such as a tripod, many people sell their business presentation short with unprofessional images. In addition, most professional product photographers will handle the ‘post-production’ tasks of any needed retouching, cropping and photo enhancements.